Sunday, September 30, 2012

James Squire Brews a Good Beer: Victory Beers at Coolangata and Brisbane Caught on Fire for a Night

I didn't know iPhun's could take panoramas...

I love the names Australian's have named what needs to be named. We passed the Pimpama River, we went through Woolangaba, drove by Mudgeeraba and Tallebudgera, and finally we went through Tambourine until we got to Surfers Paradise and eventually ended up in Coolangata.

Brilliant names Aussie's. Good on ya.

Speaking of brilliant names, another one? Riverfire. Riverfire is a fireworks show the Brisbane City Government puts on every year - its a tribute to the armed forces of Australia. That is part of the reasons there were F-18's flying around the city all day...check it out.

Like an old, old, man, I was walking to pick up my dry cleaning and I look up to see this F-18 all of 300 feet above me. I didn't hear it til it passed, it was so damn cool. Those pilots kicked off the show, but the fireworks streaming from the top of the skyscrapers downtown took the show over.

Here are the fireworks:

Seriously, it looked like Brisbane was on fire.

So that was my Saturday night. I've just finished the semester "break" (which was spent writing papers), and the way I ended my week off was with Riverfire, then a trip to Coolangata.

It was amazing, but cloudy. Relaxing, but a bit windy/cold. We started in Burleigh Heads then drove all of 15 minutes down the coast to Coolangata which was much "cooler."

haha, see what I did there?? COOLangata. Haha, haha....hah.

Anyway, this walkway, led into...

...and this is where I tripped on a Koala bear.

Ok, not a koala bear - as much as a rock, but...

...that is where my walk took me.

Ending the trail on this beach. No one was using it, so I took it upon myself:

The water was freezing, but really clear. It was almost green, not quite blue. After leaving this brilliant place Annan and I headed down to the local pub.

James Squire makes quite a pale ale, 
and that is what I had during my victory beer at Coolangata.

He really does make a good beer. 
Ideal for this pub on the sand, perfect for that ocean, brilliant for my exhausted mind, and the definition of a victory beer.